Are you ready?



For many, aging leaves you a depleted version of your best self. But it's accurate to say, for the first time, there's good news for those feeling the pains of hormonal imbalance and chronic health conditions. You don't have to feel like you're falling apart anymore.

Never Again!


  • Have you tried many different supplements, food, and medications, but nothing seems to work?

  • You've gone to your primary care physician, and they did blood work just to come back and say, “you're normal for your age, but you don’t feel normal?”

  • You're confused by information overload, and in need of someone to help weed through the details and find out what really applies to you?

  • You'd like to actually save money on supplements, diet, and exercise instead of throwing money at more food, pills, and equipment hoping they'll work?

  • You've done your homework and you're full of information but you're still confused?

  • Are you afraid of what the unnatural drugs are doing to your body and prefer to take more natural products?

  • Have you had to cancel plans, skip vacations, and break promises to the people you love because you feel exhausted, your body is in pain, poor sleep, and all of this increases your levels of stress and anxiety?

  • Has your doctor run out of options and said, “I can’t do anything more for you?”

  • Are you driving yourself crazy trying to figure out what is causing your symptoms?

  • Do you secretly feel like no matter what you do, there is no way to get back to the best version of you?

  • Have you tried various weight loss programs and things that used to work for you no longer work?


You need help, but your last visit to the primary care doctor left you feeling unheard and dismissed. Your struggles with mood swings and weight loss resistance were brushed off, making you feel as if your concerns were all in your head. You wish someone would truly listen to you, understand your frustrations, and take the time to delve into the challenges you're facing, rather than just doing the bare minimum covered by insurance.

You're tired of leaving appointments feeling discouraged and invalidated. You long for someone who will thoroughly investigate your symptoms and find real answers. Even if your hormones are unbalanced or your inflammatory markers are high, you'd rather have a doctor look you in the eye and acknowledge that something is wrong. This validation would at least assure you that you're not imagining things.

You're searching for someone who will conduct extensive diagnostic testing, aiming for the best hormone levels rather than just average ones. You want a physician who will spend time with you, allowing you to feel heard and ensuring there's a clear plan for your health.

From your research, you know that declining hormones can make systems in the body more vulnerable and increase health risks. You don't want your quality of life to slip away after all the hard work you've put into building it. You want a doctor who is up to date on the most current treatment options for hormone therapy, functional medicine, and other aspects of holistic care.

Older women hugging older man while smiling
middle aged blonde woman looking healthy and happy


Even if you try to push through the fatigue, mood swings, and pain, hormones that are unbalanced can make it hard to focus and concentrate on even the simplest tasks. It's like being constantly trapped in a state of chronic low-grade frustration.

This can lead to a sense of failure and hopelessness, making it hard to break free from negative beliefs about ever feeling your best again.


I want to assure you we can get through this together.

Meet Medical Doctor Jennifer Engels. In the last 12 years, hundreds of men and women have experienced life-changing results through a leading-edge functional medicine approach to treating low hormones and complex chronic diseases developed by Jennifer Engels, MD, IFMCP.

She also suffered from hormone depletion, which sidelined her weekly, keeping her from the golf course and pickleball court. Now she lives an active life while growing a thriving practice in Frisco, Texas.

She has experienced for herself, firsthand, the power of functional medicine…

Photo of Dr. Jennifer Engels





  • Fear of cancer

  • Fear of heart disease and stroke

  • Fear of weight gain, mood swings, bloating

  • Fear of perception or it is unnatural for the body

  • Confusion about what’s right and what’s wrong

Woman looking off into the distance



Study results that came out in 2002 claiming that hormone therapy caused heart disease and breast cancer were highly flawed. The Washington Post reported on May 1, 2024 that the WHI landmark study “scared women away from menopause treatments. A 20-year follow-up has found fears were largely overblown."

a doctor holding a illustration of a uterus and ovaries


We now know that using bio identical hormones can be done very safely and effectively in the correct patient population with appropriate monitoring of hormone levels and detoxification pathways.

We need to find out what hormones are declining and then determine the best way to support those hormones. I often tell my patients, "the first step to solving a problem is defining the problem."


As we age, the small glands responsible for hormone production, such as the pituitary, adrenal, and gonadal glands, often become less efficient.

For instance, the ovaries in women produce less estrogen and progesterone as they approach menopause, while testosterone levels in men gradually decrease over time, starting around the age of 35. Additionally, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which control the release of many hormones, may become less responsive to feedback signals, leading to altered hormone regulation.

Factors such as chronic stress, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and environmental toxins can further exacerbate hormonal imbalances.

These declines affect various bodily functions, contributing to symptoms commonly associated with aging, such as reduced muscle mass, decreased bone density, changes in mood, and impaired metabolism.

Woman at her desk feeling tired and stressed


Image design of the aging process

At the genetic level, telomere shortening and DNA damage play significant roles.

Telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, shorten with each cell division, eventually leading to cellular senescence, where cells stop dividing and function less efficiently.

It’s like the plastic tip on a shoelace, and if it gets too short, it breaks the lace frays and stops working properly. Additionally, the accumulation of mutations and DNA damage over time impairs cellular function and can trigger chronic diseases. Oxidative stress further damages DNA, proteins, and lipids, exacerbating the aging process.

We can help support telomere health and longevity by optimizing each system within the body while bringing everything into balance.


The cause of low hormones is often what makes your body feel less than its best. In this case the solutions becomes obvious:

First, we identify the various factors (there are always more than one) that have made your body more vulnerable to hormone imbalance and complex chronic diseases over time.

Then, we do a deep dive through an in-depth diagnostic lab workup to see which levels are out of balance and what needs to be addressed.

Next we put together a six part personalized treatment plan focused on helping you to regain your resilience and vitality by addressing the specific health challenges you’ve been facing.

For the last six years, I’ve been perfecting my leading edge functional medicine approach. I’ve worked with hundreds of patients throughout Texas with one goal in mind: ensuring they no longer feel like their life and health are unraveling and that they have a life changing solution.

I work closely with my patients to address their specific health issues individually and systematically, aiming to boost their resilience so that life stressors and declining hormones don’t diminish their quality of life.

Before coming to me, most of my patients have tried dozens of approaches that promised to address their health issues. They’ve had multiple specialist evaluations, a bag full of supplements and a folder full of test results but nothing has seemed to work.

Yet, as the testimonials on this page will attest, within three months of beginning treatment with me, most of my patients start to experience what it's like to feel like the best version of themselves again!

Older man and women hugging and smiling

I highly recommend Dr. Engels! For years Iv'e had doctors tell me there is nothing wrong and my blood work always came back normal. It wasn't until I started learning about functional medicine and did my own research that gave me hope that I could find a doctor that is not quick to say I'm fine or prescribe me medication. I was blown away by my first visit and the importance We Care Frisco puts on nutrition. There is so much in our gut that affects our overall healthy. I've been going to see Dr. Engels since November 2022 and I've been on an incredible healing journey. I cannot recommend We Care Frisco enough, it has significantly impacted my life in the best way!!!

- Madi H.

Absolutely LOVE Dr. Engels!! She has opened my eyes to the various areas of my health that I can improve - even small things that my regular "hospital" doc would have never noticed because he was way too busy dealing with an overloaded schedule of patients. I was being misdirected by my primary care physician at the time and knew something wasn't right so that's when I pursued functional medicine and found Dr. Engels - Thank goodness I did at young age so I could change things for the better sooner than later!! I've given her name to every girlfriend who is struggling with some area of their health and wellness. Don't wait - see Dr. Engels.

- Karissa F.

I am so thankful I saw Dr. Engels last year. I was feeling terrible - chronic fatigue, poor sleep and my eczema was out of control. She ordered a full panel of blood work and did several comprehensive tests including hormone levels over a months time, and cortisol throughout the day. She also listened and spent so much time with me. Much more than you would get at a regular PCP. She was able to figure out the root cause of my problems which was mainly stress and gluten After this realization I put in to my life several de-stressing techniques, stoped eating gluten, and she gave me several supplements tailored specifically to me and my blood work to help me get back to myself. Almost a year later I can say I feel like a whole new person. I am so thankful for her.

- Meghan H.


…chronic fatigue, weight gain, low libido, muscle and joint pain, poor sleep, brain fog, memory issues, low energy, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, vaginal dryness, hot flashes…

One of the biggest challenges in treating hormonal decline and complex chronic diseases and the reason that so many practitioners fail - is they treat the symptoms and don’t get to the root cause of the problem. We can’t develop a treatment strategy that will address the underlying issues of the disease unless we understand the root cause.

It takes a comprehensive and personalized approach to address the complexities of declining hormones and how and the risk factors for complex chronic disease.

The conventional wisdom which focuses primarily on treating symptoms with diet, and exercise, is not enough. It often leaves patients feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place—confused and frustrated with being told again to try things that haven’t helped before.

A functional medicine expert will help you navigate through the massive volume of technical medical information and come up with a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan.

Never again, do you have to conform to the constraints of insurance driven medicine, now you can build a personalized treatment plan based on data driven by your personal lab results not insurance codes kept at the front desk or the billing office.

You’ll never hear, “That's normal for your age or that is just part of the normal aging process.”

For us, normal is not good enough; we want our patients to experience vitality and optimal health for a lifetime.

This means each patient is provided with a unique PLAN that is data-driven and tailored to the patients specific needs. This is what we call Precision Medicine.

Getting to the root cause works in this way..

We need to understand exactly which hormones are declining, what your complex chronic disease risk factors are and how each system is working together.

What is causing the symptoms...

How do the symptoms develop...

What changes can we make without negatively impacting other parts of the body or increasing risks, and then in what order can we make changes so that, bit by bit, we bring the body back into tune...

It’s like peeling back the layers of an onion



This step, our in-depth diagnostic workup, enables us to determine, through advanced testing, the unique deficiencies causing your specific symptoms.


Each patient is unique, and a one-size-fits-all solution rarely works. That’s why our innovative precision medicine approach tailors treatment and prevention strategies to the individual characteristics of each patient. We start with changes you can actually implement right away.


By systematically testing, adjusting, and repeating the process, we make small incremental changes, supporting your body and bringing it back into tune without putting other important systems at risk.


Each person’s declining hormones and disease risks have features and symptoms it shares with others struggling with the same issues.

However, each person’s individual issues are also unique. Declining and unbalanced hormones are a result of a complex set of influences. No two individuals have the same set of causes .

And it stands to reason that a single approach won’t solve it.

If there were an obvious solution, your other practitioners would have found it already.

The clue to what kind of health issues you have - and what will be needed to shift you away from decline and move towards optimal - lies in how your symptoms express themselves in the body.




Younger woman looking off into the distance

Client #1 Susan’s chronic fatigue feels like she’s stuck in slow motion, and every time she gets enough energy to do something, it only lasts for a short period of time until she’s exhausted again.

Having conversations with her kids and colleagues often feels like she’s pushing words through Jello.

Her mental fatigue is causing serious strain on her emotional availability and capacity. Susan had Hashimotos and thyroid disease…she was caught in slow motion.

Younger man, looking off into the sunset

Client # 2 CT was frustrated with his fitness and found himself gaining weight, tired, lethargic and unable to be the competitor he wanted to be.

Constant fatigue and the inability to stay motivated to workout and build muscle was not something he was accustomed to.

Growing worried about foods and substances that were causing the issues, CT started learning about functional medicine and the services that Dr. Engels offered. He learned how what he was consuming was causing inflammation that affected his joints, drive, and physical fitness.

He’s lost 10 lbs, and has regained muscle mass and is able to do the activities he’s wanted to do without abdominal pain or bloating.

Check Out CT's Testimonial Below!


For the average practitioner who tries to treat complex age-related issues and hormonal decline, every issue is the same.

They give the patient the same prescriptions, diet, fitness, and hard-to-execute regimen. 

Most don’t have the time or want to take the time to dig deep into what's causing the symptoms and how it's impacting the whole system.

Each person’s symptoms contain an array of underlying causes. A complete understanding of your unique symptoms and the root cause is the first step to feeling better.


Just like the finely adapted ear of a conductor helps the Orchestra play in tune. The precisely tuned mind of a functional medicine expert along with the right diagnostic tools provides objective data to understand in what ways the body is out of balance and the cause of each symptom. It also provides a guiding light on where to go next.

Your symptoms are unique. And the way your body generates symptoms is unique. Only once we understand the unique way your symptoms express themselves can we know how to get you back into tune.

Women holding a personal health report booklet


You’re going to love this…


We will spend 90 minutes reviewing your medical history and lab work with plenty of time for you to tell your story and be heard. 


Your customized 7-Part treatment plan is the road map we will use to help you reach your health goals and address the underlying issues. This plan includes recommendations for hormones, supplements, nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management and advanced lab testing.


I will ask you specific questions I’ve gathered after reviewing your family and health history. The purpose is to uncover any clues that may help lead to underlying causes.


Based on your symptoms and family and medical history, I’ll order advanced biomarker testing, which we will review together during your appointment.


You’ll spend 60 minutes with my highly skilled health coach putting together SMART goals and working out the action plan I’ve presented for you.

I want to get started on my Foundational Assessment today!

Two women giving a thumbs up looking at the sunset

"Dr. Engels has changed my life. I’ve been to many doctors over the past several years trying to help with the issues I was having. She looked at the whole health picture to make decisions best suited for me. I finally feel my age. Thank you!!"

- Alison M.

"At We Care Frisco, you are genuinely cared for. Every health milestone is celebrated and Dr. Engles digs deep to find the underlying causes of what is troubling your body. Kelsey is a wonderful nutritionist and coach. She targets what I want to tackle on my timeline and offers insightful resources to help along the way. I owe my health to this amazing team!"

- Litany B.

Woman sitting with tea, pondering


Because each person’s hormones and stage in the aging process are unique, the plan needs to be unique and tailored to that person's specific situation.

Most practitioners fail to realize this. They do comprehensive testing but then act as if the same treatments apply to every person.

The right treatment, when adopted in the right order at the right time, allows your body to be restored to its original optimal levels, making it more resilient and able to respond to aging without experiencing a steep decline.

The problem is that the cheaper clinic down the road wants to cut corners and try to fit their patients into a one-size-fits-all treatment plan.

That’s not actually an individualized plan.

That’s why I work with each of my patients to design a plan that is tailored to their unique symptoms and lab results and adapted to their life and health goals. 

Let me give you two examples.


Barbara, a 58-year-old woman, has been grappling with a range of symptoms, including daily hot flashes, weight gain, fatigue, night sweats, poor sleep, and low libido. These issues have progressively worsened over the past 4-5 years. Due to a uterine ablation at age 53, Barbara was uncertain about when she transitioned into menopause. For the past five years, she hasn't felt like herself.

During our first consultation, I prescribed bioidentical progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone. At her six-week follow-up, Barbara reported a significant improvement in her ability to sleep through the night—something she hadn’t experienced in years. This restful sleep has led to a surge in daytime energy, the disappearance of her hot flashes, and an overall sense of well-being that she hadn't felt in a long time. Though initially hesitant about starting hormone therapy, Barbara now feels better than she has in years and is thrilled with the positive changes.

Portrait of a women smiling


Janet, a 49-year-old perimenopausal woman, underwent a hysterectomy four years ago due to endometriosis, though her ovaries were left intact. She came to me with symptoms including anxiety, moderate brain fog, sleep disturbances, afternoon fatigue, irritability, and significant weight gain over the past few years. Her lab results revealed that while her ovaries were still producing estrogen, the levels were excessively high in comparison to her very low progesterone levels, indicating estrogen dominance.

To gain further insight, I conducted the DUTCH Cycle Map test, which tracks hormone levels throughout the entire cycle. The test confirmed estrogen dominance and showed that Janet had not ovulated that month, resulting in consistently low progesterone levels. I prescribed progesterone to be taken at bedtime and recommended supplements to aid in breaking down and detoxifying the excess estrogen.

After a few months, Janet was able to discontinue her prescription sleep medication and began experiencing more restorative sleep. The irritability and anxiety that had initially troubled her were now rare occurrences. We continued to focus on stress management techniques and improving her diet. By her third follow-up visit, Janet no longer experienced insomnia or night sweats and had regained the energy to start exercising again. She finally started to lose some of her stubborn belly fat that had not budged in years.

older female with glasses and a mountain range in the distance


It’s an unfortunate reality of life that if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.

There is no magic pill for the harsh realities of declining hormones and complex chronic diseases.

The only way to ensure that ordinary life stressors, toxins and lifestyle don’t further your decline faster is to make the changes necessary to build resilience in your body so you can be the best version of yourself as you age.  

Providers who try to manage the complexities of an aging body without a comprehensive approach are limited, and so are their results.

There are three reasons why “quick fixes don’t work.”

First, once the state of decline and symptoms are advanced enough, causing enough disruption for you to want to do something about it, the band aid approach won’t work. It only masks the symptoms.

Second, it’s virtually impossible to change the body overnight, including half a dozen or more habits simultaneously. For any plan to work, it has to be one that you can implement.

Third, when you change too much too fast, you lose the ability to know which changes moved your body toward health and away from the issues you’re facing.

That’s why my approach succeeds where so many others fail.

My comprehensive diagnostic process and 6-part personalized treatment plan let us understand what changes you are able to make and in what order to make your body more resilient and allow you to be the best version of yourself. Only once we have a thorough understanding of your unique symptoms can we discern the unique path forward.

My 6-part personalized treatment plan is incremental. We focus on changes that are practical for you to make today, and then I work with you to implement those changes one step at a time.

I ensure that there are proper feedback mechanisms in place so that we can confirm when your plan is working and make adjustments when necessary.

What many of my clients call their “game changer” is that I meet with either me or my health coach almost every month, depending on what is required in the plan.

This frequent cadence enables us to intervene quickly should we need to do additional testing or adjust the treatment plan. 

We get into a rhythm together, and good results will follow!

I am committed to not letting you continue to suffer and live below what's optimal for you. 

Let’s look closer at what this revolutionary approach allows us to do:

We work at the pace your body can handle +

We can adjust the course quickly if you need to +

You have the support and accountability you need +

Dr. Jennifer Engels

I want to get started on my Foundational Assessment today!


women looking towards the sky in a fall setting

Step 1

Purchase Your Foundational Assessment

You'll receive easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions on how to access the patient portal and start your intake form and labwork.

Table with a glass jar, holding a single fern in water.

Step 2

Get Your Personalized Lab Work

Access the portal, fill out your intake questionnaires, and complete lab work; I will order it for you. You can come into the clinic for your blood draw or go to a designated lab nearest you.

Dr. Jennifer Engels

Step 3

Schedule Your Foundational Assessment

My staff will work with you to schedule your Foundational Assessment appointment with me, Jennifer Engels, MD.

Let's Get You Started!

You’re probably wondering what this Foundational Assessment costs. Then you’d have to pay the doctor many hundreds of dollars for every appointment. Add the costs together, and many practitioners’ diagnostic phase could easily cost $1,500 or more.

You’re not going to spend $1,500 today. Nor does the Foundational Assessment cost $1,500 or even $1,000.

That said, if the diagnostic did cost $1,500, it could very well be worth it.

  • How much do your aging body and low hormones cost you in a year?

  • How many obligations do you miss?

  • What would you invest to be the best version of yourself again?

I'm on a mission to help every aging adult struggling with decline hormones and chronic complex diseases I can. I want you to be able to take on the world. I want you to be resilient to weather all the ordinary stresses in life and live optimally.

That’s why I’ve made the diagnostic appointment as affordable as I can. I want it to be accessible to as many as possible.

Even though each foundational assessment I perform can take three to four hours of my time, not to mention the hundreds of hours that went into creating it in the first place, your assessment with me today requires an investment of just $695.


Dr. Engels is wonderful and I highly recommend her to anyone! She has helped me feel so much better over the past few months. She’s helped me find the root cause of my issues and we are on a great plan to feel better. She’s very knowledgeable and takes so much time with you during the appointment. The office staff is friendly too. Highly recommended and very thankful for Dr. Engels!

- Brandi R.

I am so thankful I saw Dr. Engels last year. I was feeling terrible - chronic fatigue, poor sleep and my eczema was out of control. She ordered a full panel of blood work and did several comprehensive tests including hormone levels over a month's time, and cortisol throughout the day. She also listened and spent so much time with me. Much more than you would get at a regular PCP. She was able to figure out the root cause of my problems which was mainly stress and gluten. After this realization I put into my life several de-stressing techniques, stopped eating gluten, and she gave me several supplements tailored specifically to me and my blood work to help me get back to myself. Almost a year later I can say I feel like a whole new person. I am so thankful for her

- Meghan H.


After you and I review your Foundational Assessment, if you’re a good fit, you will have the option to continue care as a WeCare Member: 

One-on-One Care,

Precision Medicine

Women talking

If you’ve dreamed of having a provider dedicated to every aspect of your health, willing to help you every step of the way, and able to guide you through whatever roadblocks come your way, this is it.

Experience what it’s like to have an expert guide and assist you through every step of your healing journey.

Starting At: $399/month

(Limited Availability)

Women with arms pen, feeling the wind

During your Foundational Assessment, I will provide you with my recommendation as to what care would be the best for you based on your health issues and your goals.

After we review your case, you are free to decide about membership based on whats best for you.


Because of how in-depth this diagnostic is, there are a limited number of slots available on my calendar. 

To ensure you secure your spot and begin your path to recovery as soon as possible, click the button below to purchase your Foundational Assessment to get started. 

If you’re seeing this, slots are currently available, but I have a limited number of Foundational Assessments I offer each month and a cap on how many new members I take each year. So click that button, fill out that form, and rest easy knowing that you’ve taken action finally to address the real cause of your health issues.

I want to get started on my Foundational Assessment today!


It’s natural to wonder whether this is worth it. What could I ask that you haven’t been asked dozens of times already?

It might feel like you’ve tried everything to treat your issues. And nothing has worked. Is it foolish to maintain hope that you can live your best life as you age?

Or maybe everything you’ve read on this page is making sense. You see how almost other approaches don’t do the deep diving and heavy lifting up front to get to the root cause. You might even see that the root cause is what makes your body so sensitive that almost anything can trigger the symptoms you feel. And you might be encouraged that my approach is evidenced based, symptoms specific, built on in-depth diagnostic measuring, which provides the foundation we need for your success. But still, you wonder: can I trust what I’m reading here?

The hundreds of men and women I've helped over the last six years faced the same decision you do now. They felt like they’d tried everything. They’d been through countless tests and intake forms. They were skeptical that my approach would be any different and even more skeptical that it might work.

Just like you, they wondered whether this process would be worth the investment or whether it would be another dead end. But every one of them decided to invest in the hope of living their best life as they age.

See what they say after deciding to invest.

Women sitting at a lake, overlooking the unset

I wish I’d visited WeCare several years ago. My bone density has slowly decreased over the years and, after my last DEXA scan, I wanted to explore root causes and lifestyle changes before considering medication. I’m also on other medications, no choice, which cause issues like high blood pressure and elevated glucose levels. While I’ve been fairly proactive and have done some research on my own, Dr. Engels looked at so many details neither I nor my other doctors considered to be problematic. That's because she takes the time to delve into your unique situation. After my Functional Assessment and Health Coach consultation, I now have a broad set of tools that can be incorporated over time. After only a few changes in a few weeks, my blood pressure has already started to trend down, which is a big win. The other issues will take time but I am very hopeful. I highly recommend WeCare.

- Jill J.

I am so incredibly grateful that I found WeCare Frisco and the expert guidance of Dr. Engles! One of the best things that has happened to me!

- Lynda C.

Dr. Engels went out of her way to provide me information about a prescription. She emailed me at about 7 pm on a Friday evening. That shows how much she cares for her patients and it’s so appreciated! I highly recommend Dr. Engles! She is kind, caring, makes you feel listened to, and very thorough in trying to get to the root cause of the symptoms that you have. I've had big digestive issues for years. In the past other doctors have dismissed my concerns or suggested a quick fix that wasn't helpful. With her help, my digestive issues have almost completely gone away! I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to me to finally have answers. Also, she is incredibly knowledgeable. She has offered me so many little suggestions or changes in my lifestyle that I was able to easily make that have added up to make a big difference. Go see her, you won't regret it!

- Erik W.

Still Have Questions?

Older male and female hugging and smiling

Do you accept insurance?

Our office does not bill insurance. You may pay by check, credit card, or HSA debit card. Upon request, we can provide you with a copy of the superbill which you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement for out-of-network care. The superbill is a detailed medical receipt that contains procedure codes, diagnosis codes, and the fees charged for your office visit. We cannot guarantee what reimbursement, if any, you may receive. We do not submit claims or call insurance companies directly. This is the responsibility of the patient.

We do not participate with Medicare, nor do we bill Medicare for any services rendered. A patient can NOT submit Superbills to Medicare for possible reimbursement.

Unfortunately, when doctors participate with insurance carriers, they enter into a contract that allows the insurance companies to dictate what services will be supplied, limiting the quality of care that we believe you deserve. As the costs of keeping a clinic running has continued to rise, reimbursement has fallen, forcing most doctors to see more and more patients a day, keeping office visits very brief. We believe this approach of seeing patients for shortened visit times does not allow us to create the personalized plan of care that is necessary in a functional or integrative approach.

Most laboratory services provided by Quest can be billed directly to your insurance plans unless you don’t have out- of-network coverage. For those that do not have good lab coverage we have partnered with Quest and Cleveland Heart Lab and negotiated a lower, fixed lab cost for our routine blood work labs. Most have found that this cost is less than their copay for the same tests. It also gives us the freedom to order a more comprehensive workup without concern for a denial of coverage, as the labs are paid for upfront.

Some specialty labs may not be covered by your insurance plans. Please check with your insurance company regarding deductibles and reimbursement for out-of-network labs. It is not the responsibility of WeCare Frisco to understand your individual insurance coverage.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we offer payment plans for our membership subscription. Patients have the option to pay for the membership on a monthly basis.

However, we do not offer payment plans for the Foundational Assessment.

Who is a typical WeCare Frisco patient?

Anybody who wants to take control of their own health! Patients vary in complexity and health goals. We help people with hormonal imbalances, fatigue, weight loss resistance, irritable bowel disease, food sensitivities, autoimmune disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, depression and anxiety (to name a few) to approach their disease with the goal of healing from the inside out. Many patients are able to tailor back their medications in this instance. We collaborate with the patient’s primary care physician and specialists before discontinuing medications.

We also assist patients who are otherwise healthy, but just “don’t feel right”. These patients may have seen multiple doctors, and their labs are all normal, however they are still plagued with fatigue, insomnia, mood disorders, brain fog etc. We use our advanced diagnostic testing to get to the underlying cause of these issues.

What will treatments entail?

Our treatment focuses on lifestyle intervention, nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress reduction and optimization of relationships.  We also work on balancing hormones either with herbal formulas or bio identical hormone therapies.  Herbals and nutraceuticals/supplements may be prescribed to help support your body, based on personalized needs. Prescription medication may be prescribed as well, depending on disease and symptom severity. This truly holistic approach incorporates both eastern and western options. And is overall directed by the patient’s goals and preferences; within context of safety and efficacy for the health concerns being addressed. A trusting relationship between patient and practitioner is paramount and an extremely valuable tool available to promote health and healing. Time is spent cultivating this relationship to build mutual trust and respect.

Will I still need my primary care provider?

You are required to have a primary care physician. Dr. Jennifer Engels offers functional medicine consultation only and does not function as your primary care physician. You must have a primary care physician for yearly physicals, wellness visits and for after hours or urgent care purposes. We do not respond to urgent requests of any sort, including messages or phone calls, you must have a primary care doctor for this purpose.

Will I need to pay for additional testing?

The lab work is not included in the foundational assessment. WeCare Frisco provides a discount on lab work or patients can use a Superbill to submit to insurance for reimbursement.


If you’re still on the fence about securing your Foundational Assessment, I know from personal experience what that’s like. When I was struggling with gut issues and symptoms related to low hormones several times a week, I felt like I might be broken permanently—crippled by a life sentence to chronic fatigue and pain.

Every time I went to a new practitioner, I struggled with doubt. Why will this one work, when all the others failed? Am I just throwing good money after bad? Am I just letting myself in for another disappointment?

I didn’t want to surrender to my aging body. I refused to relinquish hope. I was committed to trying anything and doing anything that might be the best version of myself again.

If I had quit, I would almost certainly still be discouraged and further down the slippery slope of age-related decline, living a diminished life, feeling like a burden to my husband, a pale reflection of the person I knew I could be for my son and daughter. I never would have become a functional medicine doctor and live to my full potential.

If I had given into despair and skepticism, the many hundreds of patients I've helped become mostly or completely optimal over the last six years would still be suffering too.

The famous quotation is true: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Don’t give into despair. Don’t let skepticism win. The only way to condemn yourself to living your best years in frustration, the only path that guarantees that you aging body will win, is to do nothing today.

Choose hope instead. Secure your Foundational Assessment and get started on the next chapter of your journey being the best version of yourself.

The key trait that makes….

Three women, viewing the sunset making hearts with their hands in the air


Group of females laughing
Group of females laughing
Older couple making a heart with their hands and smiling

You have two choices today. You could decide to do what hundreds of other low hormone sufferers have done and secure your appointment with me for your own Foundational Assessment and 7-Part Personalized Treatment Plan.

If you do that, you’ll have spent $695. But in exchange, at a minimum, you’ll have a much better understanding of why you suffer from unbalanced hormones and what's causing your specific symptoms, and how your particular issues express themselves. 

When you secure your Foundational Assessment today, you’ll be reassured that you’re not alone, you’re not crazy, and there’s hope for you, just like many hundreds of previous clients have experienced.

You’ll also have the pride that comes with taking responsibility for your life and acting to be the best version of yourself once again. Just like the hundreds of patients before you who have made the same decision and later called it one of the best decisions in their lives, you’ll have every reason to hope that bringing your hormones and life back into balance is within your reach.

Your second option today is to leave this page without securing your Foundational Assessment and to opt instead to spend countless hours continuing your search for hormone treatment that might work for you or give up entirely and accept a life sentence of constant highs and lows.

If you do that, two things are certain: you will save $695, and you’ll continue to suffer from the effects of declining hormones. $695 is not a trivial amount of money for most people. And while my approach has worked for hundreds of clients in the last six years, nothing in life is guaranteed.

But here’s the thing about money: it replenishes itself. New paychecks arrive regularly. We spend our money on things we need, and then two weeks or a month later, we get paid, and our bank accounts are filled again.

If you purchase the Foundational Assessment and use what you learn from it to balance your life and hormones, months from now, the $695 investment will be nothing more than a blip in your personal finances. And yet it will be a milestone on your path to healing. You might even find yourself saying, as many of my clients have, “That was the best money I’ve ever spent in my life.”

Only you can decide whether the opportunity to become the best version of yourself again is worth the investment of $695 to secure your Foundational Assessment today. When you consider what low hormones, low energy and constant decline have cost you over the years, how desperate you are for relief when you’re in the throes of fatigue and discouragement, and how quickly you’ll forget the $695 you invested today, I think the decision is obvious.




I want to get started on my Foundational Assessment today!

Get In Touch



Email: [email protected]

Phone: (972) 668-2636

  • Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm (closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm)

  • Friday by appointment only

Address: 9555 Lebanon Rd, Ste. 701 Frisco, TX 75035